Your business phone system: Fix it before it’s broken

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This content was created for Electronic Office Systems

Don’t wait for a crisis to force your hand.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” may apply to many things. But your business phone system is not one of them.

Waiting until your telecom network ages to the point of dysfunction will cause unnecessary stress and possibly the loss of customers and revenue. The boss will not be happy (if you’re the boss, you know that more than anyone). It also puts you in a poor position to objectively evaluate your next phone system. When you’re under duress, time pressures will prevent a level-headed review of the options.

It’s understandable that a business would put off an upgrade. After all, the phones are still ringing. And there are so many important things that need to be done. Still …

Consider your computer needs. Businesses would never string a computer out for seven years. Think of your competitive disadvantage of your firm was still using the best laptops 2009 had to offer. Phones are no different.

Your phone system runs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It will eventually wear out. Technology marches on. You don’t want to be stuck in a telecom time warp.

A reasonable lifespan for a business phone system is five to seven years. If you wait longer, it may become difficult or impossible to obtain service or parts. Manufacturers eventually drop support for old product lines. And things break and will require fixing. This will plunge you into crisis mode.

That’s the bad news.

Don’t put a decision on hold
But there’s plenty of good news. Today’s phone systems are simpler to use and can do much more than was possible only a few years ago. They allow you to get more done and communicate more effectively inside and outside your business.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Seamless desk-to-mobile connection Calls are forwarded (at your discretion) to cell phones, but mobile numbers are never revealed to customers. Voice mail logs stay on the office system, not the mobile device.

  • Hotdesking Log into any company phone just as if it were the phone at your desk. In addition, a mobile app allows you to replicate all phone system functions on your cell.

  • Smart transferring Instead of dropping customers into voice mail, the system rings the next logical person who can serve them.

  • Messages on the go Voice mails are emailed as audio files for easy access without your phone.

  • Video conferencing Improve communication with webcam-enabled video calls.

  • Teleconferencing Up to 40 people can participate in a phone-based meeting, complete with full recordings.

And, by the way, these aren’t add-ons or upsells. They’re standard.

What about downtime?
The irony here is that, by postponing a decision until a system crashes, downtime will be inevitable.

But downtime is not necessary if you’re proactive. It’s likely that Electronic Office Systems can replace your system seamlessly after hours. The next day, when employees arrive, training begins.

How will I pay for it?
Because every business is different, there are a variety of ways to finance a phone system. These include:

  • Leasing

  • Lease to rent

  • Rent

  • Rent and refresh (replace with a new system at the end of the lease)

Another variable will be the type of system you purchase. A VOIP system requires an upfront purchase of hardware, while a cloud-based system does not. Both have their advantages. We can help you determine the best financial fit. Keep in mind that it doesn’t cost anything to explore the options.

At the end of the day, your phone system is not a technology decision. It’s a business decision. Proactivity can protect you from downtime and system failure. Looking ahead can also bring new levels of productivity and communication to your business.

Don’t wait until it’s broken to fix it.

SEEKing better kidney health

Health content from Roy Harryman

This content was created for Dialysis Clinic, Inc., to promote the SEEK Health Fair in Kansas City

What is Kidney Disease?

And why should you care?

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is often referred to as the silent killer. It is the gradual loss of kidney function.

Those with CKD often go on to permanent kidney failure. The damage that results from chronic kidney disease cannot be reversed.

The two most common causes of kidney disease are diabetes and high blood pressure. If your family has a history of any kind of kidney problems, you may be at risk for kidney disease.

If your kidney function drops below 15 percent, you will need some form of kidney replacement therapy – either dialysis or a transplant – in order to live.

However, with proper intervention and education, kidney failure can sometimes be prevented or delayed by adjusting diet, medications or incorporating more physical activity into your lifestyle.

At the SEEK Health Fair, you can get free screenings to determine if you’re at risk for kidney disease and take action to make the most of your life.

You feel fine.

But could you be at risk for kidney disease?

You feel good. And let’s go ahead and say it: You look good, too!

But you could still have a health concern below the surface if you’re at risk for kidney disease.

What’s that?

Kidney disease is the gradual loss of kidney function. When kidneys begin to fail, the only options for survival are a kidney transplant or dialysis. The purpose of the SEEK Health Fair is early diagnosis and prevention.

What are some risk factors?

Diabetes is the number one cause of kidney failure. According to the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, this disease is the most common cause of kidney failure.

This may indicate you have a hereditary condition that causes kidney failure. If you have a family member with kidney disease, you should have your kidney function evaluated.

This, too, could indicate you have a hereditary condition that causes kidney failure. If you have a family member with kidney disease, you should have your kidney function evaluated.

Heart disease affects the blood vessels and in turn can causse damage to the kidneys. If you have a history of heart disease, you should talk to your doctor about your kidney function.

African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans and Asian Americans are at higher risk for kidney disease. While anyone can develop kidney disease, minorities appear to have an increased risk.

Being 60 years of age and older may place you in an increased risk category because the kidneys naturally lose some function along with the aging process.

If you fit into any of these categories, take the time to get free screenings at the SEEK Health Fair.

Begone foul scratch!

Removing scratches from wood floors

This article was written for Blue Hippo Flooring.

Can I remove that mark without redoing the floor?

In Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” the lead character begins to lose her sanity as she contemplates her role in a murder (yes this has something to do with flooring).

Lady Macbeth’s famous line is “Out darned spot!” Since this is a family-friendly blog, the quote is slightly edited.

Yet her spirit captures our anxiety about a glaring scrape or scratch in an otherwise beautiful wood floor. The good news is that you may not have to refinish your entire floor to remove the darn spot.

Depending on the scratch, we may be able to isolate the area and lightly sand and refinish it. Good as new.

The big question is: Will the difference be noticeable? Yes and no. You, the home owner, will know where the mark was. If you study it under light, you’ll likely be able to see the difference. But for most everyone else, it will appear seamless.

Now, we must qualify this with “it depends.” We’ll need to look at the scratch and be honest with you about whether a spot repair is recommended.

And if it’s a major gash or a huge dent, there is no quick fix. There’s no workaround for fixing the hole from when you dropped your 45-pound dumbbell in the dining room.

And here’s a preventative note: Put felt pads on all solid surfaces that touch your floor. Felt is the key. Plastic sliders will still leave scratches.

The best way to keep out that darned scratch is to keep it from happening in the first place.

How to Clean Your Wood Floor Without Killing It

Clean your woof floor without killing it

This article was written for Blue Hippo Flooring.

Yes, there is a right and wrong way.

By Roy Harryman

There are few things more eye-catching than the sheen of a new food floor. And if you treat your floor right, that look will last.

But if you mistreat it, the glory will fade – fast.

Cleaning is not rocket science, but there’s plenty of misinformation out there. Let’s sort fact from fiction.

We only recommend Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner. The product is mixed with water and is applied with a washable pad. It comes in a kit so you don’t have to guess what you need. You can find it at home improvement stores as well as online.

Now, that’s a pretty specific recommendation. But I share it because it works. We don’t sell Bona and don’t get a commission. We don’t own stock in the company (though we ought to).

Here’s the bottom line. After you invest in a high-quality wood floor that will enhance the value of your home, the last thing you want to do is ruin it with bogus cleaning methods.

 You may have heard lots of tips over the years. But please ignore them. Don’t ever use:

  • Vinegar

  • Water

  • Old English

  • Murphy Oil Soap

  • Steam heat

The first two simply don’t work. The second two (oil-based products) build up a residue on your wood floor that must literally be sanded off. Finally, steam cleaning destroys the finish.

We’ve heard many wounded floors crying out with the lyrics of Linda Ronstadt:

I've been cheated
Been mistreated
When will I be loved?

You’ve invested in a floor. It’s worth spending a little more to take care of it.

Be faithful to your floor: Use Bona.

Get rid of grubs before they gut your grass

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

This article was written for

April showers bring May flowers. And June bugs bring grubs.

But not if we can help it.

Grub worms are the larvae of June bugs. And they love to destroy your lawn.

The bad news: Grubs are active earlier than usual this year. If you haven't treated your lawn, it's at risk.

The good news: The treatment is simple and inexpensive (it's a do-it-yourself job). Just apply a granular treatment of grub prevention, usually once per year. It's 95% effective. The only caveat is that some of the treatment could wash away if there is a heavy downpour immediately after you apply it.

There are a lot of good product options, so I don't recommend one over another. Here are several to choose from.

Grubs going great guns
In addition, this year may be an exception to the once-per-year rule. Because grubs are out so early, another treatment in the fall may be advisable.

If you do nothing, grubs may feast on your grass's roots. Once that happens, it's R.I.P. for that patch of lawn. No amount of watering or spraying can resuscitate it.

Grubs have likely gotten to your grass if it goes brown and dormant during the growing season. Grab a yellow or brown tuft of grass and pull on it. If it breaks loose, you've got grubs.

And like a bad piece of carpet, it's got to be removed. But not to fear: You can re-seed the area or replace it with sod.

Just don't forget to apply the treatment next time.

If you haven't applied it this year, it's not too late.

Let's band together and show those grubs who's boss.